Solid Reagent or Dissolved Reagent?
Must select solid or dissolved stock reagent.
What is the purity of the Solid Reagent?
Must enter stock purity percent.
What is the minimum mass that can be weighed without substantial loss of accuracy?
What is the concentration of the stock?
Must enter stock concentration.
Is the chemical of interest for the diluted samples the same as the Stock chemical?
Must select the same or different chemicals.
What is the molecular weight (g/mol) of the sample chemical of interest?
Must enter molecular weight of the chemical of interest in the samples.
What is the molecular weight (g/mol) of the stock chemical?
Must enter the stock chemical's molecular weight.
Molecular Weight is not needed
What are the concentrations needed of diluted samples?
Must enter the sample concentrations desired. Must enter only numbers separated by commas.
What are the volumes needed of diluted samples?
Must enter the sample volumes desired. Must enter only numbers separated by commas.
Do you want to add extra volume to account for loss during pipetting?
How much extra volume should be added for pipetting error?
No extra volume
What is the minimum volume that can be pipetted without substantial loss of accuracy?
What units are desired for the diagram? volume: concentration: mass or moles:
What is the molecular weight (g/mol) of the sample chemical of interest?